Week One Diary Entry

Date - 31st January – 7th February
This week was our first week of doing our media coursework, where we completed our preliminary task of making a school magazine front cover and contents page.
To start off with I researched into the code and conventions of school magazines. I looked at a magazine called ‘fusion’. I then made a plan of my front cover and contents page with some features of fusion that I liked and I changed some things I didn’t. I then went out to take photos of students in the school and of the school itself to use on the outside and inside of my magazine. I went on Photoshop elements 4to make my magazine front cover and contents page. I used tools like the brightening and contrast tool to change the look of my photos. I also used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out images. I am pleased with the result of my front cover and contents page as this is the first time I have used Photoshop properly and I feel I have learnt a lot of new skill doing this task which I feel will help me massively when I come to do my music magazine.
Next week I am going to start looking into the codes and conventions of music magazines. I will start to analyse 5 front covers, 5 contents pages and 5 double page spreads of the genre of music magazine I want to make which is a pop magazine like Q magazine, which is a more mature pop magazine. 

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