Analysis of vibe magazine double page spread

This double page spread is from vibe magazine, this magazine is a slightly different genre to previous analysis’s I have done but I like the layout and design of this double page spread and it caught my eye whilst looking through the magazine. The main colour scheme for this double page spread is white, grey/black and blue, these colours are not very girly but the page still looks to attract the female audience. The article is set out in a 3 column layout even though on the right hand side page there is only 2 columns a third would fit in. The font used is sans serif which is modern and simple which represents the style of music this double page spread is about.  There is an introduction before the main article on the left-hand page of this double page spread, it is in a different larger font that the rest of the text, this attracts the reader’s attention. The introduction highlights the artists name in a different colour so it is clear this article is about, and will draw in attention of the fans of the artist.

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