Analysis of Q magazine front cover

The colours
The dominate colour of this issue of Q magazine, is white, black and red colour. These colours are not very feminine colours, however from the picture on the front we can tell that the magazine issue is going to be aimed at females. Q always sticks to the same colour scheme of red, white and black which is a trademark for this magazine
The entire font on this front cover is in Sans Serif. This type of font is more simple, and modern and edgy.  This will appeal to the target audience who will have modern and edgy personalities.
The masthead
The masthead is the same on every issue. This allows readers to recognise it instantly even if some of the words/letters are covered up. The masthead of Q magazine always stays the same and has never changed, the colour, size and positioning is always the same.
Main pictures on this magazine is of  BeyoncĂ© who is popular with males and females from ages of pre-teen to middle aged people , and she is used as she appeals to the target audience because she is someone they are interested in so they would buy the magazine to read about them. The main picture has been placed in the centre on the cover. There is only one picture on the front of this magazine and it is not crowed like other pop magazines this attracts the target audience as it shows that magazine is for a more mature audience unlike top of the pops magazine which is crowded with images and writing.
The language used in this magazine is simple and informal however colloquial language is not used on this front cover and there is no slang language ". This appeals to the audience because it is language is not childish and therefore will appeal to them.

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