Analysis of Q magazine double page spread
This double page spread features take Florence Welch from Florence and the machine. The main image is of Florence sitting on an American flag looking to the camera which helps the audience to connect with this article and picture. The image is once again quite creative as most images from Q magazine seem to be, it also crosses the centre line making the pages tie together. There is an introduction before the main article on the right-hand page of this double page spread, it is in a different larger font that the rest of the text, this attracts the reader’s attention. The introduction highlights Florence’s name in a different colour so it is clear this article is about Florence Welch not Florence and the machine. The title of this is song lyrics by this artist this will make readers know who this is about without reading into it. Most of the text on the double page spread is in a sans serif font, this is because it is more simple and easier to read, however the drop capital and the title are in a serif font which looks more sophisticated font and all the text is in black, this gives connotations of being for a more mature audience. The layout of the text on this page is in 3 columns which is the way articles are normally set out. I like this double page spread and I think it works very well.
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