My Original Photos and photo planning

These are my original photos I took for my magazine, before I photoshopped them.

 Front cover

Picture 1
Time: 12:45
Date: 7/03/11
Pose : standing,head slightly tilted, holding a flower.
Costume:black shorts, black leggings, vest top.
Location: studio
Lighting: studio lighting
Set up time: 5 minutes
Props: flower

Contents page  

Picture 2
Time: 12:47
Date: 7/03/11
Pose : standing to the side looking at the camera.
Costume: black shorts, black leggings, vest top.
Location: studio
Lighting: studio lighting
Set up time: 5 minutes
Props: no props needed

Picture 3
Time: 11:15
Date: 6/03/11
Pose : standing together.
Costume: Jeans/ leggings and models own tops
Location: outside
Lighting: no lighting equipment needed
Set up time: 5 minutes
Props: no props needed

Picture 4
Time: 8:45
Date: 26/03/11
Location: x factor live tour 
Lighting: stage lighting
Set up time: 3minutes
Props: no props needed

Picture 5
Time: 8:50
Date: 726/03/11
Location: x factor live tour
Lighting: stage lighting
Set up time: 1 minute

Picture 6
Time: 8:55
Date: 26/03/11
Location: x factor live tour
Lighting: stage lighting 
Set up time: 1 minute
Picture 7
Time: 9:00
Date: 26/03/11
Location: x factor live tour
Lighting: studio lighting
Set up time: 1 minutes

Double Page Spread

Picture 8
Time: 01:00
Date: 7/03/11
Pose : standing,head slightly tilted, holding a flower.
Costume:black shorts, black leggings, vest top.
Location: studio
Lighting: studio lighting
Set up time: 5 minutes
Props: flower, table and bed sheet

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